Tuesday, August 28, 2012


I'm just gonna hang out here, wait for the storm to pass!

Feeder Bands

This is how the feeder bands roll in.
Cloudy, wet and windy one minute.
Blue skies and high humidity the next.

Friday, August 24, 2012

One Cloud

Just floating around out there by itself.
It literally is the only cloud in the sky.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Good Morning!

We are finally getting some sunshine here on the Gulf Coast!
Not that I'm complaining about the rain after last years drought, but it's still nice to see the sun every once in a while.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

New tattoo

Desire's friend came over and inked me ;0)
It looked really good all lined out, but colored in it looks great!
The hearts have the grandbrats initials in them, ITITT.
Brat #1 says since I have them in hearts it looks like it says I "heart" titts! Roflmao!
I didn't name those kids so it is what it is!
I love it!

What is it?

We stared at this thing thru three dead stops in the interstate!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Summer fun

It was wonderfully cool for about a minute this morning.
By nine it was hot, by eleven it was too hot not to be in the pool.
So the grand brats and I are hanging out in the water today.
Judging by their energy level, it's going to be an all day affair!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Another loud, cloudy morning

I woke up before sunrise to the thunder rolling through the neighborhood. Once again another cloudy rainy day.
You won't here me complain tho, for many reasons
1. I don't have to cut the grass today
2. A year ago we were in such a bad drought that I bet all this rain still hasn't touched the water table
3. I don't have to cut the grass today
4. The clouds are definitely helping with this 95 degree weather we have had lately
5. I don't have to cut the grass today

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Skies over Pascagoula

We were running more than a little late this morning for work. For some reason neither one of us wanted to get out of bed. I know I hit the snooze at least seven times.
When we did finally make it to Pascagoula this morning, the sky was lit up with rays beaming through the clouds.
I wish my camera had caught the rays, but either way, the pictures look great!