Saturday, February 28, 2015


After a long night waiting at the airport for a flight I didn't think was going to make it, we chose to have a lazy day today.
Pb's bag actually made it to Mobile last night, which was good. With him being rerouted to Gulfport we weren't sure when we would see it again. 
We picked up the truck and the bag in Mobile and then decided to head to Dauphin Island.
It was blowing so hard down there we changed direction and came back home.
On the bright side, they were doing a rabies clinic on the island so we were able to get Shiloh his shot while we were there.
Then back home for a fire and steaks on the grill. 
All in all not a bad Saturday. 
I'm so ready for summer! 
See ya nerds! 

Friday, February 27, 2015


This is a sad day for Trekkies everywhere, but especially our generation. 
We were comfortable, familiar with Mr. Spock, long before he became Captain or Commander Spock. 
We have had a special spot n our hearts for that green blooded pointed earred hob gobblin for a long time.  
Leonard Nemoy made us believe! 
For that we will always be greatul!
RIP Mr. Nemoy

Thursday, February 26, 2015


Believe it or not I haven't taken the first picture today. 
Right after work I had to do some fiddling with the computer.. I bought an external plug and play drive for all the pictures. 
I have a 4T My Cloud but I got to thinking, if the power goes out or we are somewhere without wifi ( which I know is rare nowadays) or the zombie apocalypse happens, I wouldn't be able to access my pics. Plus it's not portable. 
So now I have 5Ts to put pics on, never mind the 256 gig hd in the computer. I think I'll be good at least for a year! 
Then me and the boy hit the hibachi buffet. Crabs and crawfish. So now I'm full and done for the day. 
See ya nerds!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Of course I have been playing with the new camera since the second I got home from work. 
It's a good thing it is digital because I spend more time deleting some awful looking photos then I do actually taking the pictures.
Guess it's like anything else. Practice will make better.
I know this picture look like some of the flowers are grainy, that's because those are fabric. Only the main flower is real. Given to me by my sweetie on I don't like Valentines Day, Day

I can not wait for all this cold wet weather to get out of here. I know our Northern friends have no sympathy whatsoever for us down here. But brrrrrrr! That's why I live down here and not up there. Just a few more weeks and I will be in flip flops and tank tops again.
I can not wait!

In the next week end or two it will be time to put the tomatoes in the ground. PB keeps telling me we aren't going to put a garden down this year, I just look at him like he needs to learn English. I want to get down at least two dozen plants to have enough tomatoes to put up for a month or two of good home grown, home made tomato gravy! I have been hording my last bag in the freezer for almost a year. It's about time to cook it and get some more in there!

I hope everyone is staying warm. I know that aside from the Gulf Coast it's pretty much snow and brrrrrrr!!!

See ya nerds!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Thank you +Trebor Cox for showing me how to add the start button back to Win8!

I have literally not booted up my computer in almost six months because I can not stand windows 8.
Having to switch from app to desktop and back for programs, ha! Like you could even find the app or program you just installed!
I hated it!

Honestly the only reason I even booted it up today was to get my WD MyCloud up and running for all the pictures I am about to start collecting with the new camera.

It had been so long since I had turned it on, I had to wait an hour for all the updates to load and install! haha! That's what I get I guess!

You can see some of the practice pictures and other photography (photo-graph-ie) stuff at the new blog I started just for my pictures
Lens End

Thank God! for the BFF! She told me about the download you can get to put the start button back on your desktop, complete with all your apps and downloads and files!

I think I have died and gone to heaven!
I actually won't mind using this computer anymore.
Yeah! That's how bad I hated it!

Monday, February 23, 2015


I got my early birthday present in the mail today!!!
I'm so excited I can't stand it! 
Yes it's Waayyy early, I know but when the right price comes along you don't wait. 

I have been reading a lot of online blogs and websites about photography because I want to do a photo project about the city I live in. 
I have learned a lot over the last few days and I can't wait to start practicing what I've learned. 
One thing a lot of the pros have said is the best thing to do is start a picture big so you can keep up with your progress easily. 
I think I am going to start one. See where it ends up.
This is going to be fun!

Sunday, February 22, 2015


Spring is coming!
Today was a beautiful warm day here on the Gulf Coast. 
At ten this morning at ten a.m. It was already a sunny 68 degrees. I actually got to go sleeveless with flip flops. 
Tomorrow? High near 54. Sigh! 
You have to love the Gulf Coast! 

Saturday, February 21, 2015

365.15 Totally Random BS

Ok, so as I was washing the clothes today, I got to thinking (I'll give you time to stop laughing................................) anyway, I was wondering why my shirts always turn inside out while they are washing. If I don't turn my shirts inside it, they doi it themselves, if I do, they stay that way. 
My conclusion??????
The insides of my shirts are heavier than the outside! 
It is, after all, the only logical conclusion! 
Live long and prosper! 

Friday, February 20, 2015


It's FRIDAY!!!!
Bet you thought I forgot to post today. Did ya? Huh?
In all honesty, I almost did, because..........
It's FRIDAY!!!!!
'Nough said ;0) 

Thursday, February 19, 2015

365.13 Crazy Lady Strikes

We had our house built ten years ago this month. When we moved in my Aunt gave me her vacuum cleaner because she had moved into a house with no carpet.
It is a Hoover Windtunnel with a nifty little red light that lets you know that it is still picking up dirt, even though you have went over that spot ten times, NO! there's more.Keep going.
I call it my Hey Dummy light.
Hey dummy, there's still dirt here. Hey there dummy, you're not finished yet. And when you finally get that last little speck of dirt you get a green light.
It's pretty nifty actually and since it takes me about an hour just to vacuum one small room this way, I assumed my floors had to be pretty damn clean.

Ten years I have had this machine! What do I find yesterday??

An irritating little switch that takes it from regular cleaning to deep cleaning.

Where the hell did that come from??

In that ten years I have taken this thing apart to clean hoses and roller brushes. I have flipped it over many times to get yarn unwrapped from it. Ten years!! How could I not have noticed that stupid switch before now?

Two and a half hours later, I finally got a green light at the entrance way to the living room! 

After about an hour I had decided that the light just wasn't working, there was just no way there was that much dirt underneath my carpet but when I checked the cup, sure enough, piles of sand! So I stuck in there and .........yeah..........two and a half hours!

Luckily the rest of the room was actually as clean as I always thought it was or we would be installing wood floors today.

All this time I thought the crazy lady had everything under control!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

365.12 My Bad!

So I got called out by the BFF, apparently I missed a post and thought she hadn't been posting.
So this is my official apology. My Bad!!! BFF!
Can you ever forgive me???
....and yes it was my fault for not checking directly at her blog instead of my links to her blog.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

365.11 Where Did You Go?

I'm starting to feel a little lonely here in the challenge Trebor and Leahann

What happened to my challenge partners?

Did you run out of things to talk about?

You don't have to write a huge long paragraph. Just a simple "Hey! how are you?"

Come on ladies! You're falling behind!

How is my nosy ass going to find out what's going on if no one is posting?????

Think about the stress you're putting on me! LOL

On another subject: Did you hear that Ebay sellers will no longer be able to sell their e-cigg equipment?
I guess the tobacco companies finally convinced enough people that we aren't smoking enough, putting money in their pockets anymore and got the non smoking EBayers to throw a fit.
Guess they didn't like all that vapor getting in their face!

Next will be no vape products sold on the internet, then vaping will become like smoking.
Prices will go up and big tobacco will stick their noses in it and we will be right back where we started.
Oh no, not just big tobacco, don't forget all the doctors who are losing money because people aren't asking for the prescription replacement therapies anymore. What company is going to pay a doctor to push their drugs if no one is asking the doctor for the drugs?

Vaping has a long uphill battle against some major "screw people out of all the money we can" companies. It's a shame really. But it's like whatevs! Vape On!!!!

Monday, February 16, 2015

365.10 Come On Baby, Let's Salsa!

I decided we need some fresh salsa today. 
Tomatoes, cilantro, onions, jalapeño peppers lemon and lime juice

You should try it!
Word to the wise, use a spoon to scoop out the seeds of the pepper with a spoon. I must have found the hottest pepper in Walmart. My fingers are fried! 

Sunday, February 15, 2015

365.9 a few seconds to myself

This has been a long and full weekend. I love having all the grand brats running around. Good times with friends and the fam.
This weekend has went a long way in helping me with my 10,000 steps a day goal! 
The kids are all back with their Mamas and as much as I love them, the quiet is nice! 
I have been running around since we took the kids home, cleaning glass doors and dishes and counters and bedrooms and, oh I could just go on and on. 
I finally decided it's time to stop for the day and let the rest wait until tomorrow. I'm tired! 
I would post a nice pic of my feet up but tiny feet stepping all over me this weekend have made my shoes a mess, and they are too far away from my hands for me to reach them and take them off. 
Yes! I'm that tired!

365.8 A Day Late

Ok now everyone in the challenge has had a fail day!
I was so busy yesterday with grand brats and Mardi Gras and a house full all night that I completely forgot about the blog. 
And further proof that GMTA about the time I realized I had forgotten BFF sent me a message asking where my post was. 
Yesterday was a very full day. Me and the brats got up early for a Saturday. We had to get all the coolers packed and everything and everyone loaded into the truck and the car to be set up in our spot by ten in the morning. 

We had a great time with all the grand brats and some of the older kids too.
It was definitely a full day. And then cards and kids afterwards left me completely drained and ready to snuggle under my covers.
So that's it. There's my fail.
Second post later today should catch me back up ;0) 
I'm sure you are waiting with baited breath 

Friday, February 13, 2015

365.7 Happy Friday The 13th

Are you a superstitious person? 
I am not but I know allot of people who are. 

Well I can't say I am not completely without superstition. You will never here me say one of my kids is sick or has a problem that is not true. That was my only superstition, I just knew if I called work after a hard weekend and claimed one of my kids was throwing up and I had to stay home with them that within a day or two I would have one very sick child on my hands.
I never say "if I didn't have kids" I could do this or that. I felt like that would be an open invitation for tragedy.
So yes, I guess in some small way I am a superstitious person.
Now as far as black cats and walking under ladders, opening umbrellas inside, throwing salt over my shoulder? Nah! I'll do it just to show you ;0)

Thursday, February 12, 2015

365.6: Saturday In Pictures

Saturday morning when we got up, it was so beautiful outside
So after all the chores were taken care of:

 decided to take

 and go

After a few hours of hanging out and chasing birds and sticks and balls

 decided to got to a
All in all it was nice quiet day and fun Mardi Gras filled night

was very happy when we stopped for Sushi on the way back home

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

365: Day 5

As I was typing the title for this post all I heard in my head was Patrick Stewart's voice saying "Leah's log, star date 365.5"
I kind of like that. Sounds all official and crap.
Come on admit it, when  you read it you heard one of the Captains' of the Enterprise voice didn't you?

The whole day, commonly known as 'yesterday' was just as uneventful as my post. Just a day of cleaning and kids and dinner and bed.

Today is looking up tho, my niece and nephew are coming to see me with the babies!
The boys I have seen, tho not in a while, but I haven't met Aries yet.
I have seen lots of pictures and she looks like just the tiniest little thing so I can't wait to get my hands on her.
The boys on the other hand, are probably almost as tall as Aunt Leah by now. Though that's not saying much, all the kids think it's something.

Afterwards it's a trip to the hospital to see grandbrat #6. My bobblehead.
The poor little guy has inherited his fathers asthma and every time you turn around he is in the hospital with pneumonia or some other kind of lung ailment. He's a little trooper tho, just keeps laughing through it all.

Hopefully I will have some awesome pictures of the kids visit for you tomorrow!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

365: Day 4

I have been sitting here trying to figure out what interestingly witty topic I could write about today.
You know what I came up with..............

Nadda, I got nothing.
So day 4 passes quietly by and awaits the arrival of day 5, hopefully something interesting will happen between now and then, and that I don't forget about it, or develop a serious case of writers block.

On an interestingly boring side note, I found out that if you miss spell a word in blogger, you can right click it and it gives you options. Cool, good to know.

Monday, February 9, 2015

365: Day 3

It's Monday!!!!
Ok, trying to hype myself up because it's actually "back to work day" "weekend over day" "no more blue jeans day" and the worst, "no more flip flops day" Ugggghhhhh!!!! Mondays!!!

On the bright side? If Mondays didn't suck so bad, what fun would a Friday be?
If you lived at Disney World, would it be fun to go there? No! So if everyday was a Friday, where's the TGI??? day?

So yes, I will complain about Monday because it will make my Friday that more awesome!!

I know, I  have a weird way of looking at things, but it works for me ;0)

Sunday, February 8, 2015

365 Day Challenge: Day 2

I can't wait until you are done with your surgery and you can start going to the parades with me. 
We had a blast! 
I picked our spot this time, since PB made such a bad choice the last time. 
Tho I don't know if mine was much better, at least we caught a few more moon pies and this creepy little thing. 
I have named him George 
He's kind of creepy and cute at the same time.
I think it's the face kind of reminds me of the Puppet Master movie. Can't you almost see his head turning to follow you around the room?

I think George will have to stay on the mantel in the living room. 
My own little Mardi Gras elf on the shelf.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

365 Challenge

The BFF and I have challenged each other to a post a day for 365 days. 
Here's my day one post 🎉
After starting the week in a wool sweater, the middle of the week in rain gear, we finally get to the flip flop and open windows weekend. 
Jule says "enjoy!"


Tag your it! Trebor Jule!