Ok, I admit it, I have been posting all kinds of things about new iPad apps, and completely forgot I could take screen shots to show you what the heck I was talking about.
I've had coffee since then and am now back in control!
And for those " not in the know" hold your sleep button and your home button at the same time and wala! screenshot!
Works something like this....
The first change I really like is the fact that they have gotten away from Google maps. Sorry Google, still love ya, but you're getting a little "boggy".
I understand Google is an advertising based company, but it's gotten so much that they are bogging down.
Plus this map does a 3D version. Too cute!
Podcasts! Now they have moved all your podcasts into one little neat area. All by themselves, where they don't even have to look at your music, if they don't want to.
iTunes U
I thought this was a great little addition to the new iOS. It has the look and feel of iBooks but you can search their, this surprised me, extensive library of free, yeup, free courses.
Just taking a quick glance through, I noticed "Learn Spanish","College Calculus" ( which seems useless to me, tho I am sure someone, somewhere would like to learn more than 2 plus 2).
Another, damn! What a great idea, Find Iphone
You log in with your apple id and password, it picks up your iPad or iPhone and "locates" them and shows you a map of where they are. It also allows you to wipe your iPad if you catch that thing going into a bar with some strange iPhone that isn't your shade of red. ;0)
And my absolute favorite! Find Friends
This app allows you to invite your friends to allow you to stalk the hell out of them!
It's awesome!
I watched DD#1 driving down the interstate yesterday.
Of course it sent me straight to panic mode when her "signal" stopped in the middle of the interstate for ten minutes.
Yeah,"mom you have to allow for lag time" "oh, so your not wrecked on the side if the interstate then?" "Um, Mom, turn that thing off, it's making you paranoid" "fine!"
Anyway..... You can't stalk ex lovers or the judge who gave you community service with it, if that's what you're thinking. Someone has to accept your request before you can thoroughly stalk their every move!
Well that's my un-techy list of what I like about the new iOS.
Pictures and all this time!
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