I am really enjoying the change in my hair. It feels better, it behaves better. I haven't gained anymore curls but that's ok. The way it has been laying lately, I like it just fine. Now if I could do something about that color! Getting darker is not the way it's supposed to go at 49 years old! Sigh!
The pictures above were after a twenty minute brush out with a BBB. Before if I had brushed my hair with that kind of brush I would have looked like Rosanna Rosanna Danna (don't know who that is? Ask your Mom, she knows)

This is my week....
Thursday, Friday: brush out with a BBB for twenty minutes or so, then my air brush to lift it back up.
Saturday: I went and got a trim. Water only wash that night
Tip #1: you do not have to have your head washed to get a hair cut. Just tell them you want it spritzed with water instead
Tip #2: The price you pay includes a wash, ask them how much without one. They will not volunteer the information. You have to ask, otherwise you pay for a wash whether you get one or not.
Sunday: my hair was feeling a little heavy, even after the brush out so I washed with 1tbs. BS in a full mason jar of water and rinsed with 1tbs regular vinegar, once again in a full mason jar of warm water, on the length only.
Tip #3: Even if you are just putting the vinegar on the length, keep those eyes closed tight till after you have fully rinsed it out with water. You don't wanna know how I know.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 20 minute brush out at night while I am watching t.v.
That's it.
I don't have oily or greasy hair, I don't smell like a salad, and a welcome addition, no more bed head in the morning.
When I get up I no longer have hair poking out in twelve million directions or wadded up in the back of my head. I just have to run my fingers through it and I am good to go.
I know allot of people have had a hard transition period but I think because I didn't wash my hair but two or three times a week anyway, my scalp and hair were more prepared for it.
If you are having a hard time, try that for a month or two first. Maybe then the transition won't be so abrupt.
Anywho, till next time........
See ya nerds!
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