What was going on? What was my frame of mind? Was I doing good? bad? whiny?
That's the kind of stuff I want to see on this blog. A Note To Self.
Unfortunately to make an exciting and awesome blog post, something exciting and awesome would have to happen.
Basically since the end of the Thanksgiving Holiday, life has become a tad boring.
Not that I'm complaining that much. We have had a whirlwind summer, what with the boat, the trips to Panama City, Naples, Ft. Lauderdale, Chatanooga, Bristol, foot ball games and camping twice on the island. It's been a whirlwind of good times and great friends.
Now the colder weather is here, I hardly ever sit out back anymore and spend most of my time knitting in front of the t.v. when I am not cleaning all the little things here and there that were neglected over the spring and summer months. You know, things like steam cleaning the carpet, scrubbing down the baseboards and toilets and floors.
I did finally get back into my knitting and once I did it was like, whoa! it's been a while.
My MIL asked me to make her some cloths one day about two months ago. Once I did, I was off and running with it again.
Almost everyone is getting something knitted for Christmas. Well, ok, the ones that I know and feel would appreciate it, or at least pretend to use what I make for them when I'm around.
I have only been up to the hunting camp once so far.
I love going up there, it's quiet with no cable or internet, fireplace to curl up in front of and a huge pond out back for catching dinner.
I could live up there! But it's just been one thing after another, mainly because PB hasn't been up there that much himself so far this year. The second time he went I couldn't go with him, work, kids, guests coming for the holidays. I'm sure once the Christmas holidays are over we will be headed back up there again. In fact, I am going to make sure we do ;0)
I guess I can sit back and enjoy the down time for a while. As long as it doesn't become too long.
I have already started planning our summer for 2015 though.
Friends coming to stay with us in Panama City in June, a whole week in Naples in July. Camping on the island in May, before it gets so hot that you can't sleep at night. (when I camp, I camp, nothing that uses electricity) except for phones, those have to go, how else could I take all of the pictures!
I think I always get like this around this time of year. We stay so busy that when it does come time to slow down, I get grumpy and bored and sick of the processed air from the a.c. unit.
I don't have any idea how people can live up north where the great outside time is limited to three or four months a year. (unless you can stand the cold, which I can not!) I much prefer our three months a year of inside time.
That's my whine for today. It's only December and I am already sick and tired of being stuck inside.

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